Sunday, February 13, 2011

I've Been Spermed

I got the call yesterday that I was surging and had my IUI shortly after 10 am this morning.  Beautiful drive over to the clinic today.  It was a quiet, calm morning with huge fluffy snowflakes that just floated down to the ground. 

They seemed to be running a bit behind today or at least maybe this one was on time and the 1st one was just running really early.  Who knows?  But things went so much better and faster this time.  Different nurse.  Told her that I needed a longer speculum so she pulled that out right away.  Huge difference!  No pun intended.  ;-)  The whole thing was done in 2 minutes.  Quick and easy.  In fact, the nurse said that I was the easiest patient she'd ever had.  We both broke out into laughter over that one.  We know full well she meant 'insertion of catheter through the cervical opening' but it just sounded totally ridiculous in the situation.  Sure ... okay, I guess I'm easy.  Don't tell anyone I went to high school with.  ROFL! 

I had absolutely no pain this time.  Didn't even feel the catheter at all.  And I've had no spotting whatsoever either.  The nurse commented on my great CM which I've continued with today.  That gives me some reassurance that the pain I felt last night was NOT O-pain, just some weird non-related lower abdominal pain. 

Dr. V. was on call this weekend so she popped in before I left.  I see her tomorrow for a follow up visit.  Yeah!  We'll see what she says tomorrow.  But today she left me with 2 pieces of good news:
  • The sperm sample was very good.  Same numbers as last time.  That reassures me.
  • The nurse did not make a mistake yesterday when she told me that my LH was at 76.89.  Yes, 76.89!  From 17.68 to 76.89 in 24 hours.  Dr. V. said they rarely see an LH level that high and hoped that meant good things for this cycle.  Me too.
I found a nifty little chart of LH levels over at the site we know as and my levels are literally almost off the charts.  I'm really crossing my fingers this means a good ovulation and a really good egg this time round.

Now?  To survive the 2ww.


  1. Congrats!! Forgive me for asking and quite possibly for being so far behind, but where did you find your sperm donor? Just curious.

    Wishing you well!

  2. Hi! Happy to see you again. Hope you're doing well. I've been busy so I'm behind on reading other people's blogs myself.

    To answer your question Canadians have to import everything because it is illegal to compensate donors here. We go through a company that uses Xy.tex. I think they are in Georgia. The Cdn company also imports from a European bank in Denmark. If my donor doesn't work out I have a European back up.

    There is another one that some Cdn clinics use but I can't remember the name of it. Sorry. I do know, from following message boards and such, that there are quite a few banks in the US. Midwest is often talked about in quite positive terms.

  3. I just found you through someone else's blog - always glad to find another SMC blogger! :)

    I had two successful IUIs (one ended in m/c, am 30 weeks pregnant from the other) and two unsuccessful IUIs. The two that worked were both smooth and pain-free, and the two that didn't took a while and were very uncomfortable. I'm thinking that the fact that this time was pain-free for you is a good sign!
