Saturday, February 26, 2011

13 dpo and Another BFN

Yep, 4 tests now confirm it.  Both digital and non.  I am definitely not pregnant.  Again.  I think I've mostly moved out of the anger phase into the grief phase for this month.  *sigh*  I feel like the tests are just mocking me now.

That looks like a double negative to me.
I know that my RE said to finish my progesterone prescription but that would take me to 16 dpo and knowing that AF will still take time to show up after that I really don't want to delay things any longer.  I think the best plan of action is for me to take the progesterone tomorrow (14 dpo), confirm BFN with one more test in the AM and then stop.  Wait for AF to show.  My treatment schedule has very little flexibility in it thanks to my travel requirements (1x/month) and I can't expect work to continue to change the travel schedule to accommodate me.

On the good side of things (if there is such a thing this month) I was able to get a progesterone Rx extension to carry me through the next week to my beta test rescheduled to Friday, March 4th to accommodate my travel.  The nurse I spoke with, H, initially misunderstood the prescription. She thought I had gotten endometrin from the clinic pharmacy.  But since my RE appointment was after the pharmacy closed we had to go with a regular Rx for progesterone.  The endometrin is also given out for 21 days vs. 14 for the progesterone.  And once you get to your beta they stop you.  Once we got all of that settled the prescription was phoned in to my pharmacy.  I expected a tiny bottle with 6 pills in it.  Nope.  The guy pulled out this massive bag with a box.  I thought he'd grabbed the wrong prescription but it was my name and address.  Somehow they'd given me a Rx for a full 21-day supply of endometrin. 

Is it really effervescent or is that an advertising ploy?
I can't wait to try the effervescent nature of this product first hand.  lol  Thankfully my insurance plan covered 80% of the cost of this box because without it I'd be out by just over $100.  Yikes!  All I know is that I've got a full month's supply of endometrin to carry me forward if I ever do see that BFP (which I'm seriously doubting at this point) so that I can make the case to my RE or NP that I need to be on the supplement through the entire first trimester.  I took the supplements for LP support and miracle of miracles I have had no spotting even on 13 dpo.  That proves my theory that my progesterone levels were just too low.  At this point, though, I don't have to worry about this ... obviously ... so I'm going to let it sit.

The other good thing is nurse H.  She was the nurse I dealt with when she gave me instructions ahead of my first IUI cycle.  I like her the best out of all the nurses I've dealt with so far followed quite closely by nurse A who did my 2nd IUI.  When I spoke to nurse H about the prescription extension on Friday I told her that all of this was likely going to be moot anyway.  I wasn't going to need the beta either.  She became very concerned, you could tell by the way she said "why do you think that?".  I didn't tell her it was because at 12 dpo I'd already seen 3 very negative tests, not even a faint line on the non-digis.  All I told her was that I just felt it wouldn't be needed.  You could feel the compassion in her voice when she replied, "Ah, you just have a feeling."  More than a feeling, but yes, this cycle is a bust.  I like nurse H.

And you want to know the best part about this week?  I now have another niece to add to the list of the ever expanding family.  And I found out she was born on the day I got my slew of BFNs.  Of course!  I will never be able to look at little Rebekka, a picture of her, think about her, or go shopping for a birthday present for her without thinking about my BFFN, my big fat f'in negative this month.  How nice is that?

Can we just get on with March, please?  And AF?  You'd better well cooperate!


  1. BFNs suck.

    I do hope that you'll get a surprise tomorrow, but I definitely understand the feeling you're having now. Fingers crossed that at least AF will be nice and show up on time!

  2. Son of a b...I'm so sorry. That just sucks.

  3. Thanks ladies. Tiara, I have many other words than that one that I have been using. While I'd love to get a different test result tomorrow I'm 100% confident this cycle is done. Didn't stop me from stocking up on pee sticks at Sh.opper's today as there was a sale on regular FRERs, the 2-packs. I figure I'll need more than one of these boxes anyway so I got two. Why the heck not? Blow more money down the drain.

    Since I seem to get AF not long after my progesterone levels drop I'm hoping AF will actually show within a reasonable amount of time. Not ideal since I'll be on the road and I know I'll have killer cramps that first day but at least I have to be at work focused on something other than searching Dr. Go.ogle for things that will just drive me nuts.

    I'm currently debating what to do about a second donor. I know my second choice has 8 vials left and I'm not entirely sure whether that is all that exists in the world or not. I'm really tempted to get them and have them ready for April using my first donor just one more time. I don't know ...

  4. That sucks. I think the BFN will sting less when you get a BFP in the future.

    I'd buy the sperm now. I've had the supplier tell me they have vials left only to order one a couple days later and its gone. It kind of spreads out the cost of things too.
